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SEADAC South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center

8640 S South Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL - 60617

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SEADAC South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About SEADAC South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center

The South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center is a nonprofit agency that exists to assure that alcohol, other drug abuse and mental health services are available and provided at a reasonable cost to the people who live or work on the southeast side of Chicago, Illinois.

South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center [SEADAC] is a not-for-profit organization and is supported by the Illinois Dept. of Human Services-Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse [DASA],  Illinois Department of Human Services-Bureau of Substance Abuse Prevention and the United Way of Chicago.

In the private health care system the client's responsibility to pay for services rendered are clear and unquestioned. The South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center (SEADAC) being a part of the health care system, needs to communicate to the client that she/he is responsible to pay for services rendered. All clients will be expected to pay the established charge unless that person's individual situation calls for a special review of the client's fee.

Since SEADAC is partially funded by the State of Illinois, no client can be denied service because of the inability to pay. State funds are made available to SEADAC, so people in need of treatment due to substance abuse can be served regardless of their income. However, all clients will be expected to contribute toward the cost of their treatment, unless treatment is fully paid for by a third-party or a funding source prohibits SEADAC from collecting an additional fee, above the rate paid by a third entity (i.e. Medicaid). As stated earlier, all of SEADAC's clients will be expected to pay the established charge for services rendered. If a client believes she/he cannot afford the fee that person may apply for a discount. Any discount granted will be approved by the Executive Director or his/her appointee, after the client has requested such a reduction. A discounted fee will be based on the client's family income and size. Unusual outstanding financial responsibilities may, also, be taken into account when setting the client discount.

SEADAC South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center


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