Call 1 866-458-4708 and speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
115 North Howard Street (515) 961-1006 -
Indianola, IA - 50125
(515) 961-1006
Become a member to get access to full contact information for Warren County Substance Abuse Agency including email and website.
Warren County Substance Abuse Agency is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers.
Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.
WARREN COUNTY SUBSTANCE ABUSE AGENCY provides non-medical consultation on a one-to-one basis with the individual and/or the family. Outpatient follow-up for those coming out of medical treatment for chemical dependency. Relapse education, assist in securing necessary medical and/or chemical dependency treatment, as determined by individual need. This includes working closely with law enforcement and court system personnel in placing these individuals in need of chemical dependency treatment into various treatment centers in the area, and working one-to-one with those who do not require immediate medical treatment. Provides preventive community education. Assist with referral information regarding substance abuse problems. DOT assessment screenings at $100 fee.