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Home » Florida » Miami » Jessie Trice CHC, Jefferson Reaves House

Jessie Trice CHC, Jefferson Reaves House

2984 NW 54th St
Miami, FL - 33142
(305) 637-6498

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Jessie Trice CHC, Jefferson Reaves House is not not guaranteed to be free but all listing are either free sliding scale, discounted, low cost, or Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers. Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.

About Jessie Trice CHC, Jefferson Reaves House

Jessie Trice CHC, Jefferson Reeves House, is a womens residential substance abuse treatment program housing 40 beds, offering services for pregnant substance addicted women. Women are allowed to bring their children under the age of five into treatment with them. Outpatient services, including a day treatment program, are specifically designed to meet the needs of clients seeking treatment as a result of court referrals and DUIs, etc.
Mission Statement: To improve quality of life and achieve health equity for all by providing access to innovative, quality comprehensive primary health care.

Jessie Trice CHC, Jefferson Reaves House
Jessie Trice CHC, Jefferson Reaves House


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