Call 1 866-458-4708 and speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
FreeTreatmentCenters includes more than just free treatment centers for substance abuse and drug and aclohol related addiction.
We have researched many of the free, sliding scale, discounted, low cost, Medicaid sponsored local treatment centers.
Many are non profit drug and alcohol treatment facilities such as faith based organizations.
Call 866-458-4708 to speak with a counselor now.
322 West 3rd Street (712) 792-1344 - (712) 792-1457 -
Carroll, IA - 51401
(712) 792-1344
Substance abuse treatment and prevention agency that offers outpatient Level I and Level II substance abuse treatment. DO NOT do evaluations. Offer a prevention team that does Prime for Life classes, JADE classes, school programs, leadership, Quit Smar
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322 West 3rd Street (712) 792-1344 - (712) 792-1457 -
Carroll, IA - 51401
(712) 792-1344
Substance abuse treatment and prevention agency that offers outpatient Level I and Level II substance abuse treatment. DO NOT do evaluations. Offer a prevention team that does Prime for Life classes, JADE classes, school programs, leadership, Quit Smar
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